Researcher, sociologist
Fields of interests: evaluation of projects and organisations. Prejudice, discrimination, mediation and restorative justice, Roma integration.
A pdf version of my CV is available HERE.
Work experience
As a researcher
On the field of Roma integration
Main Commissioners: Decade for Roma Inclusion Secretariat, European Council Youth Department, Roma Education Fund, Open Society Foundations Roma Initiative, Open Society Foundations Think Tank Fund, European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia, National University of Public Service, Foresee Research Group
On the field of education and active citizienship
Main Commissioners: VÁTI (within the framework of the Swiss Contribution), Open Society Foundations Think Tank Fund, Open Society Foundations Educational Support Program, Kurt Lewin Foundation, Foundation for Development of Democratic Rights, Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, Regional Development Agency
On the field of Corporate Social Responsibility and market research
Main Commissioners: Alstom Hungary, Coca-Cola Hunagy, dm-drogerie markt, Dreher Brewery, E.ON Hungary, KPMG Hungary, K&H Bank, Microsoft Hungary, OTP Bank, Raiffeisen Bank, SPAR Magyarország
On the field of monitoring, evaluation
Information about monitoring and evaluation programs is available at the website of HOLO (only in Hungarian).
» Hungarian (mother tongue)
» English (advanced)
» German (basic)
» Working in team and independently
» Public speaking (inspirational, motivational)
» Good ability to adapt multicultural environments
» Result-oriented
» Precision, efficiency
» Planning, monitoring, reporting
» Coordinating, Delagating, Faciliating
» Flexibility
» Openess, Empathy
» Social responsibility
I consider it important to observe and follow up on the process of the research programs from the beginning until the end; from mapping the claims of the customers until the presentation of the findings and consultancy. I am often responsible not only for the preparation but for the support of teams which conduct both quantitative and qualitative research programs. As a partner of international research projects (e.g. ALTERNATIVE or COREPOL) I usually organise and supervise the field work and at the same time pay attention to the tasks regarding program management as well.
As an assistant professor / lecturer / instructor
NKE, Doctoral School of Police Sciences and Law Enforcement. Research methodology (2016-).
CEPOL, 40/2015 European Joint Master Programme. The Methodological Concepts of the Social Science (2015, 2017).
BME Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, History and Sociology of Science Department. Instructor of the Methodology lecture (2008-2011).
University of Pécs, School of Social Policy and Social Work and University of Pécs, School of Sociology. Titles of my courses: Basis of empirical social science research, Survey methods, Gathering and processing data, Questionnaire techniques from a qualitative point of view, Sociological methods in socio-political research, Multiculturalism and involvement in the European Capital of Culture (1999-2009).
University of Lóránd Eötvös, School of Sociology. Seminar leader relating to the research entitled The Social Science Degree on the Labour Market (2005).
As a leader
The Executive Director of the Kurt Lewin Foundation between 2009 and 2012.
Books, book chapters
Gabor Hera and Dora Szego (2021) Frontline Response to High Impact Domestic Violence in Hungary. In: Lobnikr, B., Vogt, C. and Kersten, J. (eds.) Improving Frontline Responses to Domestic Violence in Europe. Slovenia: University of Maribor. pp. 201-214.
Ivo Aertsen, Gabriella Benedek, Gabor Hera, Katrin Kremmel, Brunilda Pali, Christa Pelikan (2020) Participatory Justice and Participatory Security. In: Grafl, Christian; Stempkowski, Monika; Beclin, Katharina; Haider, Isabel (eds.) „Sag, wie hast du’s mit der Kriminologie?“ – Die Kriminologie im Gespräch mit ihren Nachbardisziplinen. Mönchengladbach: Forum Verlag Godesberg, p. 763-802
Gábor Héra (2017) Counteracting social exclusion through restorative approaches. In: Brunilda Pali and Ivo Aertsen (eds.) Restoring Justice and Security in Intercultural Europe. New York: Routledge.
Borbála Fellegi, Gábor Héra and Gabriella Benedek (2017) To Talk or Not to Talk? The Limits and Potential of Restorative Justice in Addressing Social Inequalities. In: Ivo Aertsen and Brunilda Pali (eds.) Critical Restorative Justice. Oxford, Portland: Hart Publishing.
Hera G. and Meszaros Z. (2016) Két települési esettanulmány. In: Kállai G. (ed.) Hozzáférés és esélyek a tehetséggondozásban. Budapest: Család-, Ifjúság- és Népesedéspolitikai Intézet.
Hera, G. and Szeger, K. (2015) Education for Democratic Citizenship and Social Inclusion in a Post-Socialist Democracy. In: Majhanovich, S. and Malet, R. (eds.) Building Democracy through Education on Diversity. Rotterdam – Boston – Taipei: Sense Publisher. p. 41-57.
Pilinszki, A. – Szabó, T. – Héra, G. (2015) Családi konfliktusok és konfliktuskezelési stratégiák. In: Pilinszki, A. és Szabó, T. (eds.) Családi és közösségi konfliktusok. Budapest: SOTE. p. 9-29, 81-99.
Hera, G. and Arnold, P. (2014) Roma-police relationship from a Roma perspective. In: Kozary, A (ed.) Police – minority relations. Restorative Justice in police practice. Budapest: L’ Harmattan. p. 53-61.
Fremlove, L. – Georgescu, M. – Hera, G. – Laura-Greta, M. – Miletic, G. (2014) Barrabaripen / Equality: Young Roma speak about multiple discrimination. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. p 91.
Gábor, Héra and György, Ligeti (2014, third edition). Módszertan – Bevezetés a társadalmi jelenségek kutatásába. (Research Method – Introduction to the research of social phenomena) Budapest: Osiris Publishing House. p. 372.
Gabor, Hera (2006) Társadalomtudományi végzettséggel a munkaerő-piacon. (At the labour market with a degree in social science) Budapest: Kurt Lewin Foundation, p. 54.
Héra, G. – Mészáros, Z. (2022) Az emberkereskedelem áldozatai és az őket támogató hazai ellátórendszer I. (The victims of human trafficking and their support system I.). Esély, 33(1), 40-55.
Héra, G. (2022) A kapcsolati erőszak rendőri kezeléséről. (Police response to domestic violence). Belügyi Szemle, 70(8), 1627-1640
Hera, G. (2020) Town mediation in Taiwan. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 38(1-2), p. 7-25.
Hera, G. (2017) Science, as the subject of historical and social analysis. A case study. Periodica Polytechnica, 26(1), p. 67-78.
Gabor Hera: The relationship between Roma and Police: a Roma Perspective. 2015/4. 393-407. Available e-print version online in Policing and Society.
Gabor Hera: Roma and non-Roma conflicts in the light of power relationships. Temida. 2013/3-4. 95-115.
Kiss J., – Szeger K., – Hera G. Prejudices, social competencies and political orientations in relation to schools’ hidden curriculum. Intercultural Education. 2013/3. 277-287.
Gábor Héra: Redefinition of prejudice. In: Review of youth (Új Ifjúsági Szemle) 2011/1. p. 39-52.
Gábor Héra – György Ligeti: How to measure the CSR? In: Hungarian Qualitiy (Magyar Minőség) 2009/5. p. 32-37.
Gábor Héra: Magyar Agora, In: Hungarian Science (Magyar Tudomány) 2008/5. p. 649-651.
Gábor Héra: The reform of the cooperation. In: Society and Economy (Gazdaság és társadalom), 2008/1. p. 289-304.
Gábor Héra: Having Degree in Social Science on the Labour Market. In: Esély, 2007/3. p. 55-66.
Gábor Héra – György Ligeti: Growing chances or growing unequal chances? In: eVilág, 2006/7. p. 22-28.
György Ligeti – Gábor Héra: The Social Fare System on the Threshold of the Information Society. In: eVilág, 2006/5. p. 14-17.
Gábor Héra – György Ligeti: Claims and Shortcomings – IT in the Social Sphere. In: Esély, 2005/6. p. 106-120.
György Ligeti – Gábor Héra: Disabled in Higher Education: Findings of a Research. In: Review of youth (Új ifjúsági szemle) 2005/3. p. 47-53.
International conferences, presentations
January 2022 – IIRP 2022 World Conference. Title of my presentation: Restorative Practices in School Settings.
June 2021 – 12th Annual Asian Criminological Society Conference. Title of my presentations: „Restorative Justice in Cases of Domestic Violence: Danger or Opportunity?” and „Restorative Practices in School Settings”
June 2021 – The Stockholm Criminology Symposium. Title of my presentations: „Restorative justice in cases of domestic violence: danger or opportunity?” and „Restorative practices in school settings”
September 2020 – Online conference of the European Society of Criminology. Title of my presentation: Domestic violence and restorative justice.
June 2018 – Tirana, Albania. Expanding the restorative imagination. Restorative justice between realities and visions in Europe and beyond. Title of my presentation: Questions from the top vs needs in the field? RJ and the way of preventing radicalisation in prisons (together with Bori Fellegi and Dora Szego)
May 2017 – Dublin, Ireland. Conflict in Europe: Meeting the Challenge. IIRP Europe Conference. Title of my presentation: Highway to understanding. A Researcher’s and a Practitioner’s Work Towards Dialogue in a Silenced Society (together with Bori Fellegi)
April 2016 – Edinburgh, United Kingdom. Silence in Times of Transition workshop. Title of my presentation: The culture of silence and its implications for restorative practice and community work
November 2015 – Leuven, Belgium. ALTERNATIVE Final Conference. Title of my presentation: Culture of Silence.
February 2015 – Oslo, Norway. ALTERNATIVE workshop. Title of my presentation: Conflict management in a Hungarian village
November 2014 – Boston, USA. Conflict Studies & Global Governance: The New Generation of Ideas. Title of my presentation: Application of RJ in intercultural context
October 2014 – Leuven, Belgium. Critical justice: an exploration of the limits and potential of restorative justice to address crimes, conflicts and injustices in intercultural Europe. Title of my presentation: The limits and potential of RJ to address social inequalities (together with Bori Fellegi)
June 2014 – Belfast, United Kingdom. International Conference on Restorative Justice. Title of my presentations: 1. Findings of an action research program, 2. Peacebuilding as an approach for handling conflicts between police and Roma minority in Hungary
June 2014: Stockholm, Sweden. The Stockholm Criminology Symposium. Title of my presentation: Summary of the process and findings of COREPOL project
January 2014: Budapest, Hungary. COREPOL High Profile Workshop. Title of my presentation: Roma-police relationship – from a Roma perspective
June 2013: Buenos Aires, Argentina. XV Comparative Education World Congress. Title of my presentation: Education for Democratic Citizenship and Social Inclusion in a Post-Socialist Democracy (together with Katalin Széger)
December 2012: Strasbourg, France. Combating hate speech. Title of my presentation: Extreme-right wing, prejudices and minorities in Europe.
September 2011 – Bremen, Germany. Organiser: University of Bremen. Title of my presentation: Extreme-right wing and young people in Hungary
December 2011 – Tbilis, Georgia. Organiser: UMMP. Title of my presentation: About the cooperation of youth NGOs
November 2010 – Bakuriani, Georgia. Organiser: Union Century 21. Title of my presentation: Actions against prejudice
September 2009 – Brno, Czech Republic. Orgniser: University of Brno, Faculty of Social Sciences. Title of my presentation: Discrimination, democracy and young people (together with Gyorgy Ligeti)
September 2007 – Stockholm, Sweden. Organiser: United For Intercultural Action. Title of my presentation: Extreme right wing, young people and prejudice in Hungary
BME Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, History and Sociology of Science Department. Doctor of Philosophy. Year of completion: 2016.
University of Pécs (Hungary), School of Social Policy and Social Work. Degree in Social Policy. Year of completion: 2004.
University of Pécs (Hungary), School of Sociology. Degree in Sociology. Year of completion: 2004.
Scholarships, summer schools
2010: Sofia (CEEPUS). Summer school on cognitive science
2011: Bremen (DAAD). Research Fellowship
2012: Vienna (CEEPUS). Research Scholarship
2013: Bremen (Campus Hungary) Research Grant
2019: Taiwan (Taiwan Fellowship Program) Research Grant
2020: USA (Fulbrigth Scholarship)
2022: Japan (Invitational Fellowships for Research in Japan)