In addition to the list below, other publications are available on ORCID, Researchgate and MTMT.
Books, book chapters
Hera, G. & Szego, D. (2022). Hungary. In Kersten, J., Burman, M., Houtsonen, J., Herbinger, P. & Leonhardmair, N. (Eds.) Domestic Violence and COVID-19. The 2020 Lockdown in the European Union (pp. 39-44). Springer.
Hera, G. and Szego, D. (2021) Frontline Response to High Impact Domestic Violence in Hungary. In: Lobnikr, B., Vogt, C. and Kersten, J. (eds.) Improving Frontline Responses to Domestic Violence in Europe. Slovenia: University of Maribor. pp. 201-214.
Ivo Aertsen, Gabriella Benedek, Gabor Hera, Katrin Kremmel, Brunilda Pali, Christa Pelikan (2020) Participatory Justice and Participatory Security. In: Grafl, Christian; Stempkowski, Monika; Beclin, Katharina; Haider, Isabel (eds.) „Sag, wie hast du’s mit der Kriminologie?“ – Die Kriminologie im Gespräch mit ihren Nachbardisziplinen. Mönchengladbach: Forum Verlag Godesberg, p. 763-802
Gábor Héra (2017) Counteracting social exclusion through restorative approaches. In: Brunilda Pali and Ivo Aertsen (eds.) Restoring Justice and Security in Intercultural Europe. New York: Routledge.
Borbála Fellegi, Gábor Héra and Gabriella Benedek (2017) To Talk or Not to Talk? The Limits and Potential of Restorative Justice in Addressing Social Inequalities. In: Ivo Aertsen and Brunilda Pali (eds.) Critical Restorative Justice. Oxford, Portland: Hart Publishing.
Hera G. and Meszaros Z. (2016) Két települési esettanulmány. In: Kállai G. (ed.) Hozzáférés és esélyek a tehetséggondozásban. Budapest: Család-, Ifjúság- és Népesedéspolitikai Intézet.
Hera, G. and Szeger, K. (2015) Education for Democratic Citizenship and Social Inclusion in a Post-Socialist Democracy. In: Majhanovich, S. and Malet, R. (eds.) Building Democracy through Education on Diversity. Rotterdam – Boston – Taipei: Sense Publisher. p. 41-57.
Pilinszki, A. – Szabó, T. – Héra, G. (2015) Családi konfliktusok és konfliktuskezelési stratégiák. In: Pilinszki, A. és Szabó, T. (eds.) Családi és közösségi konfliktusok. Budapest: SOTE. p. 9-29, 81-99.
Hera, G. and Arnold, P. (2014) Roma-police relationship from a Roma perspective. In: Kozary, A (ed.) Police – minority relations. Restorative Justice in police practice. Budapest: L’ Harmattan. p. 53-61.
Fremlove, L. – Georgescu, M. – Hera, G. – Laura-Greta, M. – Miletic, G. (2014) Barrabaripen / Equality: Young Roma speak about multiple discrimination. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. p 91.
Gábor, Héra and György, Ligeti (2014, third edition). Módszertan – Bevezetés a társadalmi jelenségek kutatásába. (Research Method – Introduction to the research of social phenomena) Budapest: Osiris Publishing House. p. 372.
Gabor, Hera (2006) Társadalomtudományi végzettséggel a munkaerő-piacon. (At the labour market with a degree in social science) Budapest: Kurt Lewin Foundation, p. 54.
Héra, G., Füstös, M., Mészáros, Z. (2024) Látencia és felszínre kerülés kapcsolati erőszak esetén. (Latency and disclosure in cases of domestic violence) Belügyi Szemle, 72(11), 2061-2076.
Hera, G. (2024) The Japanese kōban community policing system. Belügyi Szemle, 72(1), 153-170.
Hera, G. (2024) A japán kōban közösségi rendészeti modell. Belügyi Szemle, 72(1), 113-131.
Hera, G. – Szego D. (2023) The potential of restorative approaches in domestic violence cases to contribute to more victim-centred responses – based on the experiences of two field-based research programs. Temida, 26(3), 345-363.
Hera, G. (2023) Community Policing in Japan and Hungary: A Comparative Analysis. Comparative Law Review, 57(2), 67-96.
Hera, G. (2023). How can the restorative idea survive in schools? Experiences of a professional development programme. Hungarian Educational Research Journal, 13(2), 262-275. doi:
Mészáros Z. – Héra, G. (2022) Az emberkereskedelem áldozatai és az őket támogató hazai ellátórendszer II. (The victims of human trafficking and their support system II.) Esély, 33(2). 22-38. doi: 10.48007/esely.2022.2.2
Héra, G. – Mészáros, Z. (2022) Az emberkereskedelem áldozatai és az őket támogató hazai ellátórendszer I. (The victims of human trafficking and their support system I.) Esély, 33(1), 40-55. doi: 10.48007/esely.2022.1.2
Héra, G. (2022) A kapcsolati erőszak rendőri kezeléséről. (Police response to domestic violence). Belügyi Szemle, 70(8), 1627-1640
Hera, G. (2020) Town mediation in Taiwan. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 38(1-2), p. 7-25.
Hera, G. (2017) Science, as the subject of historical and social analysis. A case study. Periodica Polytechnica, 26(1), p. 67-78.
Hera, G. (2015) The relationship between Roma and Police: a Roma Perspective. Policing and Society, 27(4), 393-407.
Hera, G (2013). Roma and non-Roma conflicts in the light of power relationships. Temida, 16(3-4). 95-115.
Kiss, J., Szeger, K. & Hera, G. (2013) Prejudices, social competencies and political orientations in relation to schools’ hidden curriculum. Intercultural Education, 24(3), 277-287.
Gábor Héra: Redefinition of prejudice. In: Review of youth (Új Ifjúsági Szemle) 2011/1. p. 39-52.
Gábor Héra – György Ligeti: How to measure the CSR? In: Hungarian Qualitiy (Magyar Minőség) 2009/5. p. 32-37.
Gábor Héra: Magyar Agora, In: Hungarian Science (Magyar Tudomány) 2008/5. p. 649-651.
Gábor Héra: The reform of the cooperation. In: Society and Economy (Gazdaság és társadalom), 2008/1. p. 289-304.
Gábor Héra: Having Degree in Social Science on the Labour Market. In: Esély, 2007/3. p. 55-66.
Gábor Héra – György Ligeti: Growing chances or growing unequal chances? In: eVilág, 2006/7. p. 22-28.
György Ligeti – Gábor Héra: The Social Fare System on the Threshold of the Information Society. In: eVilág, 2006/5. p. 14-17.
Gábor Héra – György Ligeti: Claims and Shortcomings – IT in the Social Sphere. In: Esély, 2005/6. p. 106-120.
György Ligeti – Gábor Héra: Disabled in Higher Education: Findings of a Research. In: Review of youth (Új ifjúsági szemle) 2005/3. p. 47-53.