October 2023 – Detroit, USA. IIRP 2023 World Conference. Title of my presentation: Restorative Practices in case of Domestic Violence: Potentials or Risks? (together with Fellegi Bori)

September 2023 – New York, USA. John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Invited speaker. Title of my presentation: The challenges of simplifications of terms, data, definitions and principles and the complexity of the reality behind (together with Fellegi Bori) 

January 2022 – IIRP 2022 World Conference (online). Title of my presentation: Restorative Practices in School Settings. 

June 2021 – 12th Annual Asian Criminological Society Conference (online). Title of my presentations: „Restorative Justice in Cases of Domestic Violence: Danger or Opportunity?” and „Restorative Practices in School Settings”

June 2021 – The Stockholm Criminology Symposium (online). Title of my presentations: „Restorative justice in cases of domestic violence: danger or opportunity?” and „Restorative practices in school settings”

September 2020 – Conference of the European Society of Criminology (online). Title of my presentation: Domestic violence and restorative justice.

June 2018 – Tirana, Albania. Expanding the restorative imagination. Restorative justice between realities and visions in Europe and beyond. Title of my presentation: Questions from the top vs needs in the field? RJ and the way of preventing radicalisation in prisons (together with Bori Fellegi and Dora Szego)

May 2017 – Dublin, Ireland. Conflict in Europe: Meeting the Challenge. IIRP Europe Conference. Title of my presentation: Highway to understanding. A Researcher’s and a Practitioner’s Work Towards Dialogue in a Silenced Society (together with Bori Fellegi)

April 2016 – Edinburgh, United Kingdom. Silence in Times of Transition workshop. Title of my presentation: The culture of silence and its implications for restorative practice and community work

November 2015 – Leuven, Belgium. ALTERNATIVE Final Conference. Title of my presentation: Culture of Silence.

February 2015 – Oslo, Norway. ALTERNATIVE workshop. Title of my presentation: Conflict management in a Hungarian village

November 2014 – Boston, USA. Conflict Studies & Global Governance: The New Generation of Ideas. Title of my presentation: Application of RJ in intercultural context

October 2014 – Leuven, Belgium. Critical justice: an exploration of the limits and potential of restorative justice to address crimes, conflicts and injustices in intercultural Europe. Title of my presentation: The limits and potential of RJ to address social inequalities (together with Bori Fellegi)

June 2014 – Belfast, United Kingdom. International Conference on Restorative Justice. Title of my presentations: 1. Findings of an action research program, 2. Peacebuilding as an approach for handling conflicts between police and Roma minority in Hungary

June 2014: Stockholm, Sweden. The Stockholm Criminology Symposium. Title of my presentation: Summary of the process and findings of COREPOL project

January 2014: Budapest, Hungary. COREPOL High Profile Workshop. Title of my presentation: Roma-police relationship – from a Roma perspective

June 2013: Buenos Aires, Argentina. XV Comparative Education World Congress. Title of my presentation: Education for Democratic Citizenship and Social Inclusion in a Post-Socialist Democracy (together with Katalin Széger)

December 2012: Strasbourg, France. Combating hate speech. Title of my presentation: Extreme-right wing, prejudices and minorities in Europe.

September 2011 – Bremen, Germany. Organiser: University of Bremen. Title of my presentation: Extreme-right wing and young people in Hungary

December 2011 – Tbilis, Georgia. Organiser: UMMP. Title of my presentation: About the cooperation of youth NGOs

November 2010 – Bakuriani, Georgia. Organiser: Union Century 21. Title of my presentation: Actions against prejudice

September 2009 – Brno, Czech Republic. Orgniser: University of Brno, Faculty of Social Sciences. Title of my presentation: Discrimination, democracy and young people (together with Gyorgy Ligeti)

September 2007 – Stockholm, Sweden. Organiser: United For Intercultural Action. Title of my presentation: Extreme right wing, young people and prejudice in Hungary